
Monday, August 8, 2011


 Junk food or clean food? The dog knows what to choose. What about you? Do you know?

I think you do. You realize what's best for your health. However putting it into practice is often a different story. If you have problems keeping away from junk food, your approach is wrong. Eating junk food is a habit that you can't quit using willpower.

You see, there are two ways that McDonalds destroys the environment (btw, some of this information is copied off of other, reliable, sources).

1) They get beef raised in the rainforest to be delivered directly to your BigMac. You may be thinking to yourself, "Well, why is that bad? They only take away part of the rainforest and then that's it." Incorrect. They use parts of the rainforest for only 2 years at the maximum because the soil quality is so poor there that they clear-cut another area once the soil cannot sustain the grass and grain that the cows eat. So what's so wrong about that, won't the forest regrow? Wrong again. The moisture in a rainforest is what makes it a RAIN forest, and since about 70% of all moisture comes from transpiration from the trees - No more trees, no more rainforest. It will not regrow, ever, even if it is replanted.

2) The other way has to do with just the grain being shipped from the rainforest to the US or other countries to feed cows that will eventually end up on your BigMac. Put simply, for every pound of beef you eat, 55 acres of rainforest were destroyed.

In order to keep up with the huge demand for McDonalds burgers all over the world they require vast areas of land to raise cattle for their burgers. Ever year, over 30 million acres of rain forest are lost. Of course, it would be unfair to blame this loss solely on McDonald's, and I don't intend to do that. There are plenty of other reasons why we are losing our rain forest land at such an alarming rate, but I'm not here to discuss those reasons. In order to produce 1 million tons of meat, 7 million tons of grain must be fed to livestock. This use of precious resources is not even for the betterment of anyone’s health given the unhealthy nature of food from McDonalds. But again, I don't argue that people shouldn't eat their food because it's so unhealthy for you.

On the official corporate webpage for McDonald's, they claim that "the preservation of tropical rain forest land is a top priority McDonald's DOES NOT, HAS NOT, and WILL NOT purchase beef from rain forest or recently destroyed rain forest land." BULLSHIT I say!

McDonald's is one of many multinational companies which use (or have used) crops, beef, or both, raised on ex-rainforest land in South America. What companies basically do is cut down rainforest - which as you probably know is essential for absorbing carbon dioxide, helping to prevent global warming. It is also one of the world's most diverse areas and home to indigenous populations. They then plant crops or grass and in the latter case bring on herds of cattle which eat all the grass. But because rainforest land is not suitable for growing grass or any other sort of crop it soon becomes sterile. Nothing can grow there for years, the forest is destroyed and the companies move on to another piece. In the meanwhile the cattle are emitting methane which is a major cause of global warming.


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