A few months ago I finally got health insurance for the first time in five years. I also got vision, dental and life insurances as well. The company I work for also gave every employee $1000 towards their deductible of $1500. So, I decided to rush out and use my insurances as quickly as I could. I got my eye examination and of course had to get a new pair of glasses. I chose the basic frames that were allowed on the plan and once it was all said and done it still cost me almost $200.
Next came the dentist appointments. $567 dollars later, I got four wisdom teeth removed, one filling, three sets of x-rays, one filling and about 8 prescriptions. Each dentist claimed the last dentist's x-rays were not good enough so I had to pay for another set. Amazingly enough, they all three looked the very same.
Then came the medical appointments. The initial visit to a little medical center in San Antonio started out by the office charging my "free company money" $60 and I got to see the doctor for 15 minutes. She wrote me out four prescriptions and two medical procedures to go have done. I later found out that I still had an additional remaining balance of $97 with them after this one visit. I went and had the blood tests done and later received a bill for $57 for "my part" of the billing. I also had to go and have an additional medical test on more private matters and surprisingly enough, that procedure was covered 100% by my company which I thought was pretty cool. But then I was told that the results of that test came back with some possible complications and that I needed to go back and have another TWO test done. When I showed up for that appointment, I was told that I needed to pay them $295 for an ultra sound which was 10% of the actual cost. When I told them that I did not wish to have the ultra sound done, the woman looked at me with an expression of shock on her face and asked, "Well, don't you want to know if it is cancer or not?" I laughed and told her that an ultra sound WILL NOT reveal whether or not you have cancer and that she was out of line for even insinuating that I even HAD cancer. I was so angry by this point that I just canceled my appointment all together and walked out.
So almost a thousand dollars later and not to mention the $480 per month I paid for this insurance coverage which it was over a three month period, I had spent just about $1500 and got a pair of glasses, one filling, four wisdom teeth removed and a bunch of drugs for pain and help me sleep and antibiotics. So, I decided to just check to see how much it would have cost me to get these things WITHOUT insurance.
One pair of glasses with an eye exam ..................................... $100
Four wisdom teeth removed using the scale based on income...$500 (Income based)
Doctor's visit at a clinic w/prescriptions for 4 drugs..................$ 50 (Income based)
One dental checkup and one filling..........................................$ 75 (Income based)
One blood test and personal checkup ....................................$100 (Income based)
So the GRAND TOTAL is: $825
Which is FAR less than the premium I paid for the past three months of $480 x 3 =$1440
Now, if we look at the SIMPLE math, IF I had NOT paid for insurances and went to get these procedures done, my cost would have been approximately $825 BUT I chose to pay for insurances and paid out $1440 for the insurance alone and then an additional $1500 FOR "MY PART" of these services? So, I spent $2940 for services I could have paid $825 for. Can you do this simple math? Yes, I got ripped off for over $2000 in three months time. Doesn't that just make you want to run right out there and go buy some insurances?
I decided that I just didn't care enough to know which disease or cancer the doctors were going to diagnose me with like all my co-workers who are all undergoing chemotherapy and radiation treatments. I started listening to those sitting around me as they were all telling their stories of woe and how they have cancer or how their spouses have cancer or their friend or or or ... The more I listened the more I realized that the doctors have us all buffaloed! CANCER is the #1 highest paying disease in America! And if you don't have it now, go see a few doctors and by the time your test results get back, you too can have this wonderful disease.
REALLY people? I cannot believe that our doctors of today are that caught up in big business to lead the American people down this Cancer pathway to HELL so they can get their kickbacks from the pharmaceutical companies. They call this their future. Really? They take your future AWAY from you and start pumping you full of poison to guarantee that they HAVE a future? And you believe them? Amazing! Simply Amazing!
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