
Monday, July 25, 2011

reasons to stop eating at mcdonalds

The Large Coke

First of all, the only thing that truly quenches thirst is AGUA! That being said, who doesn't like a nice cold fizzy coke once in a while.


310 Calories

86 Grams of Sugar (yes 86)

Large Fries

Give it up for America's number one spud! Betcha can't eat just one!

Large Fries

500 Calories

220 Calories From Fat

25 gr Total Fat

3.5 gr Saturated Fat

63 gr Carbohydrates


Don't Forget the special sauce...
Everybody has had one...but nobody admits it...

Big Mac

540 Calories

260 Cal from Fat

29 gr Total Fat

10 gr Saturated Fat

75 mg Cholesterol

1040 mg Sodium

9 gr sugar

Drum Roll Please........

#1 5pc Chicken Select Strips!!!
Avoid at ALL COSTS!

Chicken Select Strips

660 Calories (they should add 6 more just for good measure)

360 Cal from Fat

40 gr Total Fat

6 gr Saturated Fat

85 mg Cholesterol

1680 mg Sodium

The World Famous Double Cheeseburger...

well now its called a 'McDouble'
These juicy, greasy lil things come in at number 3 on the List...enjoy...with caution!

Double Cheeseburger

440 Calories

210 Calories from Fat

11 gr Saturated Fat

1.5 gr Trans

80 mg Cholesterol

1150 mg Sodium (salt)

 7 gr sugar.

you see now how Why is Fast Food So Bad for you?
Fast food affinity is equated with bad eating habits. A typical meal from a fast food restaurant, say a serving of fries and a cheeseburger, amount to about 1,000 calories. This is about half of the recommended dietary allowance. This is mainly because of the large portions that fast foods are accustomed to serving. The tendency is for people to enlarge their appetites by eating beyond their limit, because of being afraid for the food to go to waste.

Fast food is everywhere. It is available from main commercial blocks to gas service stations. In short, it is available and accessible. This partnered with the biological propensity towards food high in fat and sugar, leads to widespread obesity.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Let's try Stop Eating Fast Food

"How could you eat that junk? It's so bad for you!" . "Don't you know those fries will give you a heart attack?". "You have to stop eating all that fast food, it's going to make you fat!". "You have to eat more healthy food like fruits and vegetables - they're good for you!". Your friends nag you, your family nags you, your doctor nags you, the health newsletters, websites and magazines - they all nag you, and of course, your personal trainer nags the heck out of you, to stop eating all those BAD FAST FOODS. But does all that nagging you and bad-mouthing the fast food industry really help anyone stop?

It doesn't look that way. The fast food industry is thriving, even in the bad economy. The Chicago Tribune recently said that McDonalds is "recession proof."

As one of only two companies to turn a major profit over the last year (the other being Wal Mart), McDonald's is laughing its way to the bank. In fact, McDonalds plans to open 1,000 new stores this year.

The study, which was conducted by environmental chemists at the University of Toronto, shows that synthetic chemicals called perfluoroalkyls are leaching out of fast food packaging and into the food. During their testing, researchers looked particularly at perfluorinated carboxylic acids (PFCAs), a result of the break down of polyfluoroalkyl phosphate esters (PAPs). These chemicals have been shown to increase cholesterol and uric acid levels in humans (which could lead to gout, cardiovascular disease, or diabetes). High exposure to PFCAs has also lead to cancer in rats.

So why are these chemicals found in fast food packaging in the first place? PFCAs are responsible for making sure grease doesn’t seep through fast food wrappers. So basically, because the food is so bad for you in the first place (i.e., dripping in grease), there is the necessity to wrap it in equally unhealthy packaging. Bon appetit.

Beware of some of those salads. Just because it has lettuce doesn’t mean it’s healthy. Some salads have over one thousand calories. Order your salad without croutons, cheese, fried chicken, and fatty dressings. Instead, choose a salad with grilled chicken and either low fat or fat free dressing.

The nations obesity epidemic has focused attention on fast food restaurants. The good news is that many chains have begun offering healthier options. But they don’t help unless you actually order them. So while it’s not always the ideal choice to eat at one of these chains, with some knowledge and good common sense we can stay on track towards a healthy lifestyle.

If you appreciate a condiment on your chips or your hamburger, use mustard or ketchup, rather than of the mayonnaise which is much fattier.

The drink. You can replace traditional soda by water or a fruit juice. If you make a point of taking a soda, choose rather the forms without sugar (light).

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

STOP going to McDonalds RIGHT NOW!

It is about McDonald’s, as a corporation, refusing to remain neutral in the culture wars. McDonald’s has chosen not to remain neutral but to give the full weight of their corporation to promoting the homosexual agenda, including homosexual marriage.

After watching the documentary Super-Size Me, I stopped eating at McDonald's; mostly because of health reasons but also because I no longer wanted to contribute to a company that causes that kind of damage to people, especially me. I find it kind of like paying your enemy to hurt you. Now as if that were not enough, McDonald's has actually found another reason for me, and many others around the world, to stop eating their food and sponsoring their destruction machine. According to Greenpeace forests campaign co-ordinator, Gavin Edwards, "Fast food giants like McDonald's are trashing the Amazon for cheap meat. Every time you buy a Chicken McNugget you could be taking a bite out of the Amazon." (1)

So what exactly is McDonald's being accused of? Greenpeace, using some mission impossible-style spying techniques, including satellite images, aerial surveillance, previously unreleased government documents and on-the-ground monitoring, says that they have been able to trace the animal feed used for McDonald's chickens to land that was once rainforest.(1)

"Three U.S. commodities giants, Archer Daniels Midland, Bunge and Cargill, which control most of Europe's soya market, are fueling the rainforest destruction to grow feed for animals in Europe," Greenpeace said today.(1) You guys remember ADM and Cargill right? They are two of the three company's who have recently been accused of using slave child labor by the International Labor Rights Funds. It should not come as such a shock to me but it does. I cannot believe that there are companies out there that care so little about life and so much about profits that they condone this type of action. Actually what surprises me more is that we are the ones that help them make such ridiculous profits.

According to Greenpeace, "Cargill has illegally built its own port in the heart of the Amazon, from which it exports the soya to the Cargill terminal in Liverpool, UK. From there, the soya goes to Cargill-owned food producer, Sun Valley, which feeds the soya to the chickens it uses to make McNuggets, which it distributes to McDonald's restaurants across Europe." (1) McDonald's has not denied that its chicken are fed on Amazon Soya even though Greenpeace has asked them to account for their feed three months ago.

Making the Twitter rounds on a super-sized scale over the weekend (under the hashtag of #seriouslymcdonalds) was this obviously fake sign that’s allegedly in a McDonald’s restaurant. It claims that “African-American customers are now required to pay an additional fee of $1.50 per transaction.” The picture originated on twitpic and has gone viral from there.

A tipoff that this is a fake? We called that 800 number you see at the bottom of the sign, and it connected to the KFC Customer Satisfaction Hotline. But really, think about it: Would any McDonald’s franchisee or employee tape such a sign on the door of a McDonald’s restaurant? It would be career suicide.

Monday, July 11, 2011

gas prices are going up

Oil and gas prices are on the upswing, with some suggestions that we could see $5 a gallon gas by the summer. Sound familiar? Midmorning looks at what's behind the increase, and examines whether anything has changed since the last spike in oil prices.

As some local gas stations around the Twin Cities are charging about $3.70 for a gallon of gas, the prices aren’t going down anytime soon. Average retail gasoline prices in Washington have risen 4.9 cents per gallon in the past week. That’s from Washington Triple-A Washington reports the average price across the state has climbed to nearly $3.66 a gallon.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Mcdonald's really bad for you!

if you personally think Mcdonald's is sooo good, you really need to open up your ears and eyes as to how it can have a negative impact on your health!

25,000th Big Mac in one man’s belly. A Wisconsin man is going to eat, yes that number you read is correct, his 25,000th Big Mac today — the 39th anniversary of his very first Big Mac. Don Gorske sometimes has two Big Macs a day. Gorske rose to “fame” from the documentary movie Super Size Me. The movie followed director Morgan Spurlock as he ate nothing but McDonald’s for 30 days. Though Spurlock came down with a host of health problems eating nothing but McDonald’s, Gorske is living the McDonald’s dream. Unbelievably, he still has low cholesterol. Some people are just genetic marvels, but for a majority of the U.S. population, cholesterol is a major issue.

Fast Food Chains Offering Statins

Someday soon we could see fast food chains dishing out statins, cholesterol lowering drugs, with meals. Researchers studied risk reduction strategies for people with high-fat eating habits from a new angle. They looked at seven randomized control trials (a total of 50,000 participants) that had previously examined the ability of a daily statin medication to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by virtue of lowering cholesterol. Statins are medications that are used to lower cholesterol, such as Lipitor. What they found was that using a daily statin demonstrated a risk reduction comparable to (and in many cases more powerful than) the potential increased risk of consuming a Quarter Pounder® with cheese and a small milkshake.

Of course, what a free cholesterol-lowering statin can’t do is take away the toxic consequences of the other components of regular fast-food meals. Fast food contains excess calories, which lead to obesity and increased risk for type 2 diabetes, as well as high amounts of sodium, which contribute to high blood pressure, a risk factor for stroke.

Herein lies the danger. If we placate the desire for fast foods with a pill — or “sprinkle-on statins,” as the researchers suggest — we neglect to address the inherent problem.

If you want low-calorie fast food, which chain do you choose: Subway or McDonald’s? While most people would undoubtedly choose Subway, that could be a very fat answer.

A team of researchers found diners underestimated calories in food from Subway – a fast food restaurant that markets itself as a “healthier” alternative — by 35 percent more than they did from comparable choices at McDonald’s, which does not claim to be healthier. The researchers hypothesize consumers were prone to a phenomenon known as a “health-halo,” which caused them to underestimate calories from restaurants they perceived to be healthier. They ultimately consumed more calories at the “healthy” restaurant than they would have otherwise.

Welcome to the new enemy in the battle of the bulge — the health halo. If we think our main course is good, we are more likely to order a side of very bad. Hence, the Subway diners in the study were more likely to justify ordering desserts, such as cookies. Seemingly influenced by the health halo, consumers believed that a 1,000-calorie meal at Subway actually contained 21.3 percent fewer calories than a 1,000-calorie meal at McDonald’s.

As we reported recently, similar research found foods labeled “organic” were mistaken by consumers to be lower in calories. Don’t be fooled into letting the “health halo” ruin your dieting efforts.

As the researchers point out, eating just 160 extra calories twice a week can amount to a 5 lb. annual weight gain. And, while it’s okay to indulge in a high-calorie meal from time to time, balancing it out with lighter meals or more exercise for the rest of the day is key to preventing unintended weight gain.

Check out this guide on 6 Tips To Choosing Healthy Fast Food.

People who regularly eat a diet based on vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, healthy unsaturated fats and fruit will be healthier than individuals who “neutralize” their regular fast food habit with statins. These researchers have proven that they understand the plight of those who love fast food, but their cheeky recommendation is one that may help win an individual battle — but still lose the war.